Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Comprehensive Review of Yacon Syrup

The popularity of yacon syrup as a weight loss product has grown tremendously since it was featured in Dr. Oz show in November 2013. However, the idea that a sweet syrup can enable you lose weight sounds a bit contradictory, but the claims are true. What makes this product different from others in the market is that, yacon is backed by clinical studies, showing that it is indeed effective in not only reducing weight, but also, trimming waistlines, regulating blood sugar and improving digestion.

Yacon Syrup: What it is

Yacon syrup is made from the roots of yacon, a tuberous root that grows in the Andes mountains (South America). Besides being eaten, this plant is also believed to have medicinal properties, and has been used for years to treat diabetes, as well as, digestive and kidney disorders. To obtain the syrup, juices from yacon root are extracted, filtered and evaporated in a process that's free from chemicals. The result is a sweet-tasting syrup with a consistency and dark color, similar to molasses.

How it Works

The main active ingredient in this syrup is fructooligosaccharides. These are sugar molecules, which are connected in such a way that makes them unrecognized by the human digestive system. Because of this, most of the syrup cannot be digested by your system, making it a low-calorie substitute to sugar. Research shows that fructooligosaccharides contain only 20 calories per one tablespoon.
When these sugar molecules gets to the large intestines, they feed the friendly bacteria in the gut that are essential for good health and weight loss. The more you continue taking the syrup, the more these bacteria will stay healthy. As a result, you will not just lose weight, but also have a stronger immune system, better brain function and reduced risk of getting diabetes.

Scientific Proof of its Effectiveness

Several scientific studies have proven that yacon syrup indeed helps in losing weight. For instance, in 2009, a study was conducted on 55 Argentine women who are obese. They were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 40 women who took 3 spoons of yacon syrup throughout the day for period of 120 days. They were instructed to walk 45 minutes, two times a week, and reduce their calorie intake slightly.

The second group, which had 15 women, took 3 spoons of placebo syrup everyday over the same period. At the end of the study, those who took yacon lost a whopping 33 pounds, while those who took placebo ended up gaining 3.5lbs. Besides losing weight, the 40 women also reported significant reduction in their waistlines, more frequent bowel movements, and improved insulin levels.
The Benefits

Besides helping in weight loss, this syrup has several other benefits, which are discussed below:

Appetite Suppression

People who regularly take yacon have reported a significant reduction in their appetite. When your appetite is suppressed, you eat lesser food than you usually do. When you eat less food than your body requires, you create a calorie deficit, which with time, leads to a significant weight loss.

Increased Metabolic Rate

Besides suppressing appetite, taking yacon also helps to increase your body's metabolism. As a result, you will be burning twice as much fat and carbohydrates. This two benefits, makes the syrup very effective as a weight loss product.

High Fiber ContentIt also has high amounts of dietary fiber. As you may already know, fiber keeps your digestion system healthy, thereby preventing problems like, indigestion and painful bowel movement. If you find yourself not taking the right amount of fiber, this syrup might come in handy to solve your digestion problems.

Reduces Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

Yacon has been found to lower the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. Because it is sweet as sugar, diabetics can also use it as an alternative sweetener, without suffering from any negative effects.

Improves Immunity

Your body's immune system is very important since it provides the first line of defense against diseases. Using yacon regularly helps to boost the body's immunity, making it better prepared to defend itself against diseases.

Increased Energy Levels
This syrup is also a good energy booster, which makes it suitable for those who suffer from premature exhaustion when doing their daily activities or exercises.

The Side Effects

No serious negative effects have been reported when using yacon. However, a few people have reported producing too much gas caused by the high fiber content. This is a minor discomfort that usually disappears within a few days.

Overall, yacon syrup is a product that has been clinically proven to help in weight reduction, improving bowel movement, lowering blood sugar levels, and boosting immunity. It is definitely worth considering if you want to lose weight now.